2007-08-02 NASA先端概念研究所閉鎖へ

1998年に設立されたNASA先端概念研究所(NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts:NIAC)が閉鎖されることになった。この組織は、宇宙分野や航空分野で革新的な概念を発掘し提案に資金を提供することで、将来の有人宇宙探査の新しい目標を設定する目的で設立された。多くの概念がNASAのミッションを展開し実現するために貢献してきた。


(編集者コメント:この組織が設立される以前は、John Mankins率いる先端概念なんとか局というNASA内部の組織で超先端概念システム開発を行っていた。面白いアイディアを多く輩出してきたが、昨今NASAの予算削減と月面探査復活への執念から、他の宇宙ミッションの予算が次々と減額されている。残念なことである。下表はNIACが採用した提案プロジェクトの例である。現火星協会(Mars Society)会長のズブリン氏も提案していたというのも面白い。)

Akin, David  Development of a Single-Fluid Consumable Infrastructure for Life Support, Power, Propulsion, and Thermal Control
Angel, Roger  A Deep Field Infrared Observatory Near the Lunar Pole
Angel, Roger  A Deep Field Infrared Observatory Near the Lunar Pole
Bacon, David  Adaptive Observation Strategies for Advanced Weather Prediction
Bae, Young  A Contamination-Free Ultrahigh Precision Formation Flight Method Based on Intracavity Photon Thrusters and Tethers
Bae, Young  A Contamination-Free Ultrahigh Precision Formation Flight Method Based on Intracavity Photon Thrusters and Tethers: Photon Tether Formation Flight
Bekey, Ivan  Extremely Large Swarm Array of Picosats for Microwave/RF Earth Sensing, Radiometry, and Mapping
Bekey, Ivan  Assessment of the Feasibility of Extremely Large, Structureless Optical Telescopes and Arrays
Bickford, Jim  Extraction of Antiparticles Concentrated in Planetary Magnetic Fields
Bickford, Jim  Extraction of Antiparticles Concentrated in Planetary Magnetic Fields
Bogar, Thomas  Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch System
Bonabeau, Eric  Customizable, Reprogrammable, Food Preparation, Production and Invention System
Boss, Wendy  Redesigning Living Organisms to Survive on Mars
Boss, Wendy  Redesigning Living Organism to Survive on Mars
Boston, Penelope  Scientific Exploration and Human Utilization of Subsurface Extraterrestrial Environments: A Feasibility Assessment of Strategies, Technologies and Test Beds
Boston, Penelope  System Feasibility Demonstrations of Caves and Subsurface Constructs for Mars Habitation and Scientific Exploration
Brown, Christopher  Programmable Plants: Development of an In Planta System for the Remote Monitoring and Control of Plant Function for Life Support
Buhler, Charles  Analysis of a Lunar Base Electrostatic Radiation Shield Concept
Campbell, Mark  Intelligent Satellite Teams for Space Systems
Carroll, Joseph  Space Transport Development using Orbital Debris
Cash, Webster  New Worlds Imager
Cash, Webster  X-ray Interferometry
Cash, Webster  X-ray Interferometry
Caulfield, H  3D Viewing of Images on the Basis of 2D Images
Charania, A.  Networks on the Edge of Forever: Meteor Burst (MB) Communication Networks on Mars
Chirikjian, Gregory  An Architecture for Unmanned Self-Replicating Lunar Factories
Christensen, Cindy  Ultralight Solar Sails for Interstellar Travel
Colozza, Anthony  Planetary Exploration Using Biomimetics
Colozza, Anthony  Planetary Exploration Using Biomimetics
Colozza, Anthony  Solid State Aircraft
Colozza, Anthony  Solid State Aircraft
Crowe, Devon  Self-Deployed Space or Planetary Habitats and Extremely Large Structures
Cybenko, George  A Novel Information Management Architecture for Maintaining Long-Duration Space Crews
Ditto, Tom  Primary Objective Grating Astronomical Telescope
Dubowsky, Steven  Microbots for Large-Scale Planetary Surface and Subsurface Exploration
Dubowsky, Steven  Microbots for Large-Scale Planetary Surface and Subsurface Exploration
Dubowsky, Steven  Self-Transforming Robotic Planetary Explorers
Dubowsky, Steven  Self-Transforming Robotic Planetary Explorers
Edwards, Bradley  The Space Elevator
Edwards, Bradley  The Space Elevator
England, Christopher  Mars Atmosphere Resource Recovery System (MARRS)
Farritor, Shane  A Modular Robotic System to Support the Surface Operations of Human Mars Exploration
Fisch, Nathaniel  Optimal Navigation in a Plasma Medium
Fork, Richard  Efficient Direct Conversion of Sunlight to Coherent Light at High Average Power in Space.
Gilchrist, Brian  Scalable Flat-Panel Nano-Particle Propulsion Technology for Space Exploration in the 21st Century
Gilchrist, Brian  Scalable Flat-Panel Nanoparticle MEMS/NEMS Propulsion Technology for Space Exploration in the 21st Century
Gold, Robert  SHIELD: A Comprehensive Earth Protection System
Gorenstein, Paul  Ultra high Throughput X-Ray Observatory With a New Mission Architecture
Gorenstein, Paul  An Ultra High Throughput X-Ray Astronomy Observatory With A New Mission Architecture - Phase II
Grant, John  Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch (HASTOL) Study - Phase II
Hawk, Clark  Plasma Pulsed Power Generator
Hodgson, Edward  A Chameleon Suit to Liberate Human Exploration of Space Environments
Hodgson, Edward  A Chameleon Suit to Liberate Human Exploration of Space Environments
Hoffman, Jeffrey  Use of Superconducting Magnet Technology for Astronaut Radiation Protection
Hoffman, Ross  Controlling the Global Weather
Hoffman, Ross  Controlling the Global Weather
Hoskins, Paul  An Advanced Counter-Rotating Disk Wing Aircraft Concept
Howard, Timothy  Planetary-Scale Astronomical Bench
Howe, Steven  Antimatter Driven Sail for Deep Space Missions
Howe, Steven  Enabling Exploration of Deep Space: High Density Storage of Antimatter
Howe, Steven  Antimatter Driven Sail for Deep Space Missions
Howe, Steven  Micro Asteroid Prospector Powered by Energetic Radioisotopes: MAPPER
Hoyt, Robert  Reduction of Trapped Energetic Particle Fluxes in Earth and Jovian Radiation Belts
Hoyt, Robert  Moon & Mars Orbiting Spinning Tether Transport (MMOSTT)
Hoyt, Robert  Tether Transport System for LEO-MEO-GEO-Lunar Traffic
Ignatiev, Alex  New Architecture for Space Solar Power Systems: Fabrication of Silicon Solar Cells Using In-Situ Resources
Jackson, Gerald  Antimatter Harvesting in Space
Jacobs, Ron  Biologically Inspired Robot for Space Operations
Kammash, Terry  Antiproton-Driven, Magnetically Insulated Inertial Fusion (MICF)
Kammash, Terry  Ultrafast Laser-Driven Plasma for Space Propulsion
Kammash, Terry  Ultrafast Laser-Driven Plasma for Space Propulsion
Kare, Jordin  High-Acceleration Micro-Scale Laser Sails for Interstellar Propulsion
Kare, Jordin  Modular Laser Launch Architecture: Analysis and Beam Module Design
Keith, Andy  Methodology for the Study of Autonomous VTOL Scalable Logistics Architecture
King, Lyon  Propellantless Control of Spacecraft Swarms using Coulomb Forces
Komerath, N  Tailored Force Fields: Phase 2
Komerath, Narayanan  Tailored Force Fields for Space-Based Construction: Key to a Space-Based Economy
Kroo, Ilan  Meso-Scale Flight Vehicle for Atmospheric Sensing
Kroo, Ilan  The Mesicopter: A Meso-Scale Flight Vehicle
LaForge, Larry  Architectures and Algorithms for Self-Healing Autonomous Spacecraft
LaPointe, Michael  Formation Flying with Shepherd Satellites
LaPointe, Michael  Primary Propulsion for Piloted Deep Space Exploration
Landis, Geoffrey  Advanced Solar and Laser Pushed Lightsail Concepts
Lipson, Hod  Autonomous Self-Extending Machines for Accelerating Space Exploration
Lomax, Terri  A Flexible Architecture for Plant Functional Genomics in Space Environments
Lomax, Terri  Developing a Plant Genetic Assessment and Control System for Space Environments
Maclay, Jordan  Feasiblity of Communications Using Quantum Correlations
Maise, George  Exploration of Jovian Atmosphere Using Nuclear Ramjet Flyer
Maise, George  Exploration of Jovian Atmosphere Using Nuclear Ramjet Flyer
Maise, George  Multi-MICE: A Network of Interactive Nuclear Cryoprobes to Explore Ice Sheets on Mars and Europa
Manobianco, John  Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS): A Revolutionary Observing System for the 21st Century
Manobianco, John  Global Environmental MEMS Sensors (GEMS): A Revolutionary Observing System for the 21st Century
Marchese, Anthony  The Black Light Rocket (BLR) Engine
Mavroidis, Constantinos  Bio-Nano-Machines for Space Applications
Mavroidis, Constantinos  Protein Based Nano-Machines for Space Applications
McCormack, Elizabeth  Investigation of the Feasibility of Laser Trapped Mirrors in Space
McCormack, Elizabeth  Investigation of the Feasibility of Laser Trapped Mirrors in Space
McNutt, Ralph  A Realistic Interstellar Explorer
McNutt, Ralph  A Realistic Interstellar Explorer
Menges, Pamela  Artificial Neural Membrane Flapping Wing
Miller, David  Electromagnetic Formation Flight (EMFF)
Molnar, Peter  Self-Organized Navigation Control for Manned and Unmanned Vehicles in Space Colonies
Montemagno, Carlo  Directed Application of Nanobiotechnology for the Development of Autonomous Biobots
Morgan, Ricky  Wide Bandwidth Deep Space Quantum Communications
Newman, Dava  Astronaut Bio-Suit System for Exploration Class Missions
Newman, Dava  Astronaut Bio-Suit System for Exploration Class Missions
Nock, Kerry  Cyclical Visits to Mars via Astronaut Hotels
Nock, Kerry  Global Constellation of Stratospheric Scientific Platforms
Nock, Kerry  Global Constellation of Stratospheric Scientific Platforms
Nock, Kerry  Cyclical Visits to Mars via Astronaut Hotels
O'Handley, Douglas  System Architecture Development for a Self-Sustaining Lunar Colony
Ohi, Seigo  The Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapy for Exploration of Space
Olds, John  The League of Extraordinary Machines: A Rapid and Scalable Approach to Planetary Defense Against Asteroid Impactors
Omidi, Nick  High Speed Interplanetary Tug/Cocoon Vehicles (HITVs)
Palisoc, Arthur  Large Telescope Using Holographically Corrected Membranes
Paniagua, John  Europa Sample Return Mission Utilizing High Specific Impulse Propulsion Refueled with Indigenous Resources
Pankine, Alexey  Sailing the Planets: Science from Directed Aerial Robotic Explorers
Pankine, Alexey  Planetary Science from Directed Aerial Robot Explorers
Paxton, Larry  Global Observations and Alerts from Lagrange-Point, Pole-Sitter, and Geosynchronous Orbits (GOAL&GO)
Pearson, Jerome  Lunar Space Elevators for Cislunar Space Development
Peck, Mason  In-Orbit Assembly of Modular Space Systems with Non-Contacting, Flux-Pinned Interfaces
Peck, Mason  Lorentz-Actuated Orbits: Electrodynamic Propulsion Without a Tether
Peck, Mason  Lorentz-Actuated Orbits: Electrodynamic Propulsion without a Tether
Phoenix, Chris  Large-Product General-Purpose Design and Manufacturing Using Nanoscale Modules
Powell, James  Development of Self-Sustaining Mars Colonies Utilizing the North Polar Cap and the Martian Atmosphere
Powell, James  Magnetically Inflated Cable (MIC) System for Space Applications
Rice, Eric  Advanced System Concept for Total ISRU-Based Propulsion & Power Systems for Unmanned & Manned Mars Exploration
Rice, Eric  Advanced System Concept for Total ISRU-Based Propulsion & Power Systems for Unmanned and Manned Mars Exploration
Rice, Eric  Development of Lunar Ice Recovery System Architecture
Ritter, Joe  Large Ultra-Lightweight Photonic Muscle Telescope
Rose, John  Achieving Comprehensive Mission Robustness
Sarkar, Nilanjan  A Novel Interface System for Seamlessly Integrating Human-Robot Cooperative Activities in Space
Schnopper, Herbert  Ultra-High Resolution Fourier Transform X-Ray Interferometer
Sedwick, Ray  Electromagnetic Formation Flight (EMFF)
Seward, Clint  Low Cost Space Transportation Using Electron Spiral Toroid (EST) Propulsion
Silver, Matthew  Bio-Electric Space Exploration
Slough, John  Plasma Magnetic Shield for Crew Protection
Slough, John  Rapid Manned Mars Mission With a Propagating Magnetic Wave Plasma Accelerator
Slough, John  The Plasma Magnet
Slough, John  The Plasma Magnet
Smith, Gerald  Positron Propelled and Powered Space Transport Vehicle for Planetary Missions
Soroushian, Parviz  Inherently Adaptive Structural Systems
Soroushian, Parviz  Inherently Adaptive Structural Systems
Stancil, Charles  Electric Toroid Rotor Technology Development
Starkman, Glenn  Ultrahigh Resolution X-Ray Astronomy using Steerable Occulting Satellites
Todd, Paul  Robotic Lunar Ecopoiesis Test Bed
Todd, Paul  Robotic Lunar Ecopoiesis Test Bed
Toth-Fejel, Tihamer  Modeling Kinematic Cellular Automata: An Approach to Self-Replication
Trotti, Guillermo (Gui)  Extreme eXPeditionary Architecture (EXP?Arch): Mobile, Adaptable Systems for Space and Earth Exploration
Tyll, Jason  Environmentally-Neutral Aircraft Propulsion Using Low-Temperature Plasmas
Ulmer, M.  Self Assembly of Optical Structures in Space
Van Buiten, Chris  Autonomous VTOL Scalable Logistics Architecture
Vaneck, Thomas  A System of Mesoscale Biomimetic Roboswimmers for Exploration and Search of Life on Europa
Voronka, Nestor  An Architecture of Modular Spacecraft with Integrated Structural Electrodynamic Propulsion (ISEP)
Voronka, Nestor  Modular Spacecraft with Integrated Structural Electrodynamic Propulsion
Wertz, James  High Resolution Structureless Telescope
Wettergreen, David  Planetary Circumnavigation
Williams, George  Spacecraft Propulsion Utilizing Ponderomotive Forces
Winglee, Robert  Magnetized Beamed Plasma Propulsion (MagBeam)
Winglee, Robert  Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion
Winglee, Robert  Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion, M2P2
Woolf, Neville  Very Large Optics for the Study of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets
Woolf, Neville  Very Large Optics for the Study of Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets
Woolsey, Craig  A Self-Sustaining, Boundary-Layer-Adapted System for Terrain Exploration and Environmental Sampling
Zhou, Guoqing  Architecture of Intelligent Earth Observation Satellite for Common Users in 2010-2050
Zubrin, Robert  The Magnetic Sail